Thursday, 17 November 2011


Hurog doulogy by Patricia Briggs
Genre: high fantasy

My Thoughts:
Okey, so I bought the Dragon Bones audiobook because I wanted to listen to Joe Manganiello's voice. You gotta love that deep timbre! Anyway, I like his voice so that makes the narrator a 5 out of 5, right? Well, the thing is I had to buy the paperback as well because there were parts I couldn't quite understand and had to replay them a few times before I get it. Having the book to read as well makes it easier for me. But I am pretty sure this is a fault on my part rather than Joe Manganiello's narration. By the way, if this series is going to be made into a movie, I think Joe Manganiello would make a very good Wardwick of Hurog!

I'm an old Patricia Briggs fan so my opinion of her story telling quality is admittedly biased. I just love it! It draws me in effortlessly and keeps my interest until I forget to eat! That is what I call a true story spinner!! And then there is the world building... it's simply masterful! The Hurog world is vivid, distinct and well-crafted. Another Kudos to these books!

However, it is too short and there are no more books in this series! Now, it would be difficult for me to find something to read which is as good as these books to stem the tide of withdrawal symptoms! And that is the only down side of these books...

Empirical Evaluation:
Story telling quality = 5
Character development = 5
Story itself = 4.5
Ending = 5
World building = 5
Cover art = 3.5
Pace = 5

Overall Rating: 5 out of 5 cherries

Dragon Bones by Patricia Briggs
Book 1 of the Hurog doulogy
Read by Joe Manganiello
Format: audiobook

About Dragon Bones:
Riding into a war that's heating up on the border, Ward, the new lord of Herzog, is sure he's on the fast track to glory. But soon his mission takes a deadly turn. For he has seen a pile of magical dragon bones hidden deep beneath Hurog Keep. The bones could prove to be dangerous in the wrong hands, and Ward is certain his enemies will stop at nothing to possess them.
Source: Info in the About Dragon Bones was taken from GoodReads at on 17/11/2011.

Dragon Blood by Patricia Briggs
Book 2 of the Hurog doulogy

About Dragon Blood:
As the rebellion grows against High King Jakoven, Ward, ruler of Hurog, realizes he must join with the rebels. However, Jakoven can crush his enemies with dragon’s blood. The very blood that courses through Ward’s veins.
Source: Info in the About Dragon Blood was taken from GoodReads at on 21/11/2011.